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Eligibility screening questions for teletherapy

While most clients are good candidates for Teletherapy, some do not meet eligibility requirements. Here are some questions that will help you determine if Teletherapy is the right fit for your client. In some cases, you are your client’s only option and you must determine if there are creative ways to make this work for your client.

  1. Does your child stay seated at a regular table or on the floor for 20-30 minutes when engaged in motivating tasks?
  2. Does your child have severe vision problems not corrected by prescription glasses?
  3. Does your child have severe hearing problems not corrected by the use of hearing aids?
  4. For teletherapy to be effective, all distractions need to be eliminated. If you are bringing other children, can you pre-arrange supervision for those children so that we can provide the most effective session for your child?
  5. Does your child have motor difficulties that will affect controlling a computer mouse or keep his/her head up to look at a computer screen?
  6. Do you have access to a high-speed internet connection?
  7. Do you have access to a desktop computer or laptop?
  8. Does your laptop or desktop have good video and audio capabilities?
  9. Can you or other primary caregiver be present during your child’s speech therapy session?
  10. Do you have a space in your home that is quiet and free of distraction to use during your child’s teletherapy session?

If you want to learn about ways to prepare for your first teletherapy session, read First Teletherapy Session: How to Prepare. 

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